"During the Term, except during any week when Cramer is on bvacation/b as set forth in Section 2(d) hereof, Cramer will author no fewer than twelve (12) articles per week intended for publication in the Company?s online properties (thestreet. com, realmoney.com, b.../bbpapita/b, just for the record, the show is not staged. Back in December I emailed Jim with question and CNBC contacted me and asked if I would like to call in and ask my question live on the air. I did. b.../b
Dunno. Maybe we?re waiting for after Labor Day when everyone is back from their bvacations/b. One thing of which I?m certain, when the break occurs, hit hard and you will more than likely be rewarded. Disclosure: Long Apple b.../b
Pues este está bpapita/b: es un libro para ni?os que nos acerca de una manera muy divertida al obscuro y tenebroso mundo de las matemáticas, con dibujitos y todo! Tocante al tema, Google publicó ofertas de empleo en una página secreta para b.../b